Shopware Blog Plugin – New version, new way to publish your content

With over 3.000 downloads within the Shopware store it’s one of the successful plugins in 2022. That’s something awesome – To make it even better, we’re currently working a second version of our most successful open source plugin.
What do we improve?
As excellent as the Blog plugin is, there was one big thing missing: And that’s the flexibility to write the content you want. Shopware is already offering CMS pages for all kinds of content – So why not use it also to write your individual blog posts?
CMS page builder for your blog posts
With version 2 of our blog plugin, you have the full flexiblity to write your blog content with the CMS page builder of Shopware. You want to include a product within your blog post easily? No problem – Just drag and drop the product CMS element within your blog post, and you’re good to go!
You’re able to write a blog post the same way you would write a normal content page. How awesome is that?

Old functionality
We keep all the structure from the previous version one – like categories, authors, teaser images, etc. Within the info section of a blog page, you’ll find all the information that you’re used to see.

Migrate from version 1
With over 3.000 downloads, our Blog plugin is used by hundreds of Shops. So we needed to think about a way, how we can migrate existing data that a shop owner has to version 2. In version one of the Blog plugin for Shopware you have one single text-editor for your content.
We decided in this way for a simple solution: We’re converting the content of this text editor from the database to a CMS text-element. All other data, like category relations, slugs, teaser images etc., will be migrated during the installation process.
That being said, you’ll be able to use the version two without any pitfalls.
Just keep in mind, that you may have to adjust your content, if you’ve used images within the text-editor of version 1. You would have to migrate these manually to a CMS image element if you want to.