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Using a Single H1 Heading in Shopware: An Effective Approach

It is best practice to use the H1 heading tag for the title of your post or page, as having more than one H1 heading can indicate that the content is about multiple equally important topics. Bionic SEO will give a red feedback warning if more than one H1 heading is used. In this article, we will explain why it is generally not necessary to use multiple H1 headings in a single post or page. The Importance of Proper Heading Structure for SEO In content management systems like Shopware, headings are organized into different levels, with H1 being the highest rank and reserved for the title...

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Shopware Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text

Images can help to make your posts and product pages more attractive, and can also support the message you are trying to convey. Moreover, they can assist in boosting your ranking in image search results. It is important to remember to provide your images with good alt attributes. Alt text not only helps search engine spiders to interpret your content, but also helps to make your website more accessible. This article provides an explanation of what the alt and title attributes are, and why they should be optimized. What purpose do alt and title attributes serve? Here is a full HTML image...

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